Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Three Dresses

About 2 weeks ago I found this collection of materials to make some dresses for Bug.

The material on the right was to make some tee-shirt dresses. Here is how they turned out. (Forgive the pictures, Bug was NOT in the mood to be photographed)

Yellow Sundress - The second time I made this it turned out very well. Who knew Bug was so picky about where the waist of the dress is. I didn't realize this going in and made the waist too low. She was not happy. But I fixed it and she loves the dress. (It is actually a bit longer than pictured )

The blue dress, I LOVED the materials for this dress, but sadly, it turned out too small. I was paranoid about the waist being too low and ended up with it being too high and the skirt too short. Bummer. But Bug is willing to give this to a friend and I've got extra fabric and could remake one for her.

Green Smocked Dress
- My favorite dress so far, and I think Bug's favorite too. And this dress was beyond easy. Note in the photo of the materials above, I bought a yard of this fabric using a 40% off coupon from JoAnn's - it cost less than $5 and was pre-smocked. I had NO idea they sold pre-smocked fabric. All I had to do was sew a tube out of it, hem the bottom and add straps. It couldn't have been easier. I'm hoping to make a few more of these. You can beat a $5 dress that turns out this cute! (Please ignore Bug, she had her sassy pants on that day.)

I do have materials for the pink top, lady bug dress and I hope to finish that this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you! I love that blue one!! And I too just found that smocked fabric! Who knew?!


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